Hydrogen Rich Water For Cure Cancer

A widow with 5 young children was diagnosed with 3rd stage ovarian and lymphatic cancer 6 years ago. At that time, she had no other alternative but to allow the adoption of her children. This miserable true story was described in a popular old drama series entitled ìOnly The Star Knowsî. Later, she was donated a unit of VWA® Cellular Functional Water®. After drinking for 3 months, it was confirmed by CT scan that her 5 tumors had miraculously vanished. This news was published in a press headline. Now, she is grateful that she is able to live healthily with all her children.

She has a history of cancer in her family for 4 generations where cancer claimed the lives of her grandfather, father and son.  Her 10 year-old second son sadly lost his life to liver cancer.  Six months after the traumatic event, she was also diagnosed with stage 4 nose cancer and a ping pong size tumor had metastasis to her brain.  With the financial help of a press foundation, she was also given a unit of VWA® machine.  After drinking the water for 6 months, it was confirmed by PET scan that the tumor was gone.

In February 2012, he was diagnosed with end stage nasal cancer. This disease caught him by surprise and shocked him but fortunately he did not give up on any remedy plan.  During the cancer treatment period, he had a very dry, sore and a festering throat that did not permit swallowing.  He used the strong acidic water generated by VWA® System for gargle and drank plenty of VWA® Cellular Functional Water® for hydration.  This is another amazing and successful cancer battle story!

Complete reversal of severe eczema and skin inflammation that was brought about by the use of steroid after amputation of her limb caused by bone cancer.

Regulated bowel movement after colon cancer surgery. Cleared up bubbles from urine.

In the filming industry for 25 years, she looks younger than her actual age.  However, she was stricken by breast cancer.  After recovery, she became very health conscious. She is satisfied with the efficacy brought by VWA® water due to its’ high antioxidant properties.  She uses the water for cooking, brewing tea and drinking; conveniently by just a touch of the screen.

Six years ago she was diagnosed with early stage nasal cancer. Through changes made in diet including switching of her drinking water to VWA® Cellular Functional Water® System, she regain her health within 2 years.  In addition, she was able to deliver a daughter who is 12 years apart from her eldest son. She also noticed that her family members are healthier with less heatiness symptom.

Due to the incurable sore throat 4 years ago, she was diagnosed with Stage III nasal cancer at a later stage. She experienced severe hair loss after chemotherapy and hence had lower self-esteem. After drinking VWA® Cellular Functional Water®, she experienced speedy recovery and no longer suffered from the side effect of chemotherapy. She has her hair restored with full density and regained her confidence level.

As recommended by a medical doctor to drink alkaline ionized water, he had chosen VWA® water.  After drinking, he noticed remarkable improvement on his prostate cancer.  He travels regularly together with VWA® machine within Indonesia, Thailand, United Kingdom and Malaysia.